Guilty Crown" is a sci-fi action anime directed by TetsurÅ Araki and produced by Production I.G. The story is set in a dystopian future where Japan is under the control of a tyrannical organization called GHQ, following a viral outbreak known as the Apocalypse Virus. The protagonist, Shu Ouma, is a high school student who discovers he possesses a unique ability called the "Power of the Kings," which allows him to extract weapons from people’s hearts.
After meeting Inori Yuzuriha, a member of the resistance group Funeral Parlor, Shu becomes embroiled in the struggle against GHQ. As he learns to harness his powers, he faces moral dilemmas and the consequences of wielding such abilities. The series blends action, political intrigue, and themes of rebellion, identity, and sacrifice.
Visually, "Guilty Crown" is noted for its stunning animation, dynamic fight sequences, and a striking art style. The soundtrack, composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, adds to the emotional impact of the series.
Overall, "Guilty Crown" offers a mix of thrilling action and complex character development, making it a memorable entry in the mecha and dystopian genres, despite mixed reviews regarding its plot execution.